################### Logging Aggregation ################### The ACM uses Graylog2 and Fluentd to aggregate log files. Setting up machines to submit logs ================================== Note: as of this writing td-agent is 215MB. There are lighter setups which can be used if need be (I think). But probably don't use this instructions on a beaglebone. Run ``curl https://packages.treasuredata.com/GPG-KEY-td-agent | apt-key add -`` and ``echo "deb http://packages.treasuredata.com/2/debian/jessie/ jessie contrib" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/treasure-data.list``. Note, you may have to insert ``[amd64]`` after ``deb``, if ``apt-get update`` fails. Immediately run ``service td-agent stop``, since by default, the configuration will listen on various ports. And that's bad. As root, run ``td-agent-gem install fluent-plugin-secure-forward``. Setting up the recieving server =============================== There are only three ports which your server should be listening on for logging: 80 (to redirect to HTTPs), 443 (for the web interface), 24284 (for fluentd, explained later). There are auxiliary services that will need to be installed in order to get the logging system working. Many of these services will try to bind to Don't let them! Many of these services DO NOT provide authentication, and so it is vital that they are bound to, so that they are inaccessible from the outside world. As of this writing, everything needed to install graylog is packaged for debian, though you'll need to fetch some other repos. See: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/1.7/setup-repositories.html http://www.fluentd.org/guides/recipes/graylog2 http://docs.graylog.org/en/1.3/pages/installation/operating_system_packages.html#debian-8 Note, graylog requires elasticsearch 1.7, but NOT elasticsearch 2. The fluetnd.org page says that you need to install .deb files manually. Don't do that! There are officail elasticsearch repos for debian jessie. Use them. For security purposes, it's best to install services one at at time, so that each one can be secured in turn. When installing fluentd, be sure to remove the default configuration, since it will listen on ports we don't want it listening on. Fluentd is set up using the http://docs.fluentd.org/articles/forwarding-over-ssl secure forwarding plugin. It listens over TLS for log messages. Be sure to set up a secret key, which must be shared among all machines which are to send logging data, but try to keep the key secret, if possible. (i.e. don't stick it in the metapackages.) The key ensures that someone can't simply toss data at our fluentd instance, and pretend that it's coming from our machines. You also need to hand fluentd a (signed) SSL cert, so that servers sending data to the fluetnd reciever can't be man-in-the-middle'd. Mongo and elasticsearch can both be made to do all listening on by changing their configuration files. Be careful with elasticsearch, since it will try to do service discovery at, so set ``network.host:``, instead of just one of the IPs. Additionally, disable elasticsearch service discovery. We can point graylog directly at our elasticsearch instance. We're not using elasticsearch in a high-availability configuration. Elasticsearch's cluster_name should also be changed to ``graylog2``. Graylog has two components: server and web. Server is the API that does all the data processing, web is the user interface that communicates with the programatic interface exposed by server. In order to make graylog-web listen on, you need to modify an environment variable in ``/etc/default/graylog-web``. I know, kinda derpy. Now, you should set up apache or nginx (preferably nginx, because Russians are cool) to terminate the SSL on the web interface, and proxy a public HTTPS server (on port 443, 80) to graylog-web at localhost:9000.